Early loss of milk teeth: what to do?
Milk teeth have many functions such as providing a place for permanent teeth, tongue position, swallowing and also to allow the child to eat properly. These temporary teeth generally start to fall out at the age of six. Nevertheless, some children may have a loss of temporary teeth.
How do you pull a loose baby tooth?
Most of the time, a baby tooth falls out on its own without the parent having to intervene. However, sometimes a tooth moves a lot without falling out. In this case, the parent can intervene to help. Before proceeding, it is important to know how to pull a baby tooth efficiently and painlessly in order to prevent the tooth from falling out.
Causes and solutions for baby teeth that don't fall out
Around the age of six, children's first baby teeth start to fall out, but sometimes some of them don't fall out. Find out the causes and possible solutions for baby teeth that don't fall out. What to do with a baby tooth that moves but does not fall out [...]
Milk tooth that falls out and permanent tooth that does not grow back: dental agenesis
In humans, the dentition follows a certain chronology with temporary teeth that eventually fall out to make room for permanent teeth. However, it can happen that the permanent tooth does not grow back after the baby tooth has fallen out. This phenomenon is called dental agenesis. Let's discover the causes of this pathology and how it works.
At what age do baby teeth fall out?
The loss of baby teeth is one of the first dental experiences of children. Many parents wonder about the normal age at which their child should lose his or her baby teeth. This is a natural process that usually goes smoothly. Find out at what age baby teeth fall out and how to accompany them.