Which toothbrush to choose for baby?
Good oral hygiene habits start at a young age. One way to care for your baby's teeth is to brush them. To do this, it is necessary to know which baby toothbrush to use according to his age and needs. Find out more [...]
Should you choose an electric toothbrush for your child?
For a parent, it can sometimes be difficult to encourage their child to brush their teeth. Or at least, it doesn't always happen without tears, tantrums, or even a definite "no". However, choosing a toothbrush for your baby is not always easy and there are ways to help your child learn to brush.
Choosing a child's toothbrush
Good oral hygiene practices should be instilled in toddlers as soon as their first teeth appear. This includes getting baby used to using a toothbrush. In order to encourage regular brushing of their teeth, a child's toothbrush specific to their age should be used. We help you [...]
Baby toothbrush: everything you need to know
The appearance of a baby's first tooth leads to a gradual change in the parents' daily routine of caring for their child. The time has come for them to get a baby toothbrush, choose a suitable toothpaste and apply one or more brushing methods [...]