🏝 🐠 Have a great summer vacation! 🏝 🐠

The office is closed between July 26 and August 23 included. Until we see you again in the fall, we wish you a wonderful sunny vacation!

The office is closed for the end of year vacations between December 18th and January 6th included.

What is the right age for a child's or baby's first visit to the dentist?


Do you remember your first dental appointment ? If not, it makes sense. This usually happens at a very young age.

With your baby's first teeth coming in, you're probably wondering at what age your baby should make his or her first visit to the dentist. Here are some explanations.

First visit to the dentist: at what age should it be done?  

The age of the first visit to the dentist is usually around 2 years old, but can be up to 3 years old.

In principle, this first appointment should take place before any oral problems.

This first visit to the dentist allows the child to to become familiar with the medical and dental world in a gentle way. As they are already old enough to understand their environment, it is easier to communicate, reassure them and explain what is going on.

The practitioner can then take the time to establish a relationship of trust with your child. This will also be an opportunity to receive some information about your child's dentition:

  • How and when will his teeth be formed?
  • What habits to adopt for good oral hygiene 
  • When will her baby teeth fall out?
  • What is a good life hygiene and a good food hygiene.

Sometimes, a first visit to the dentist may be necessary before the age of 2, or even when the first teeth appear. If you suspect your baby has a dental problem, or if, for example, his or her teeth are slow to come in, don't hesitate to make an appointment earlier.

Whatever the age of the child, it is imperative that this first visit to the dentist be a pleasant moment, or at least as stress-free as possible.

If your child is in pain, and comes directly for treatment in an unfamiliar place, all the conditions are there for an anxiety-provoking experience.

This would encourage the development of a future fear of the dentist.

Note that in order to preserve the dental capital of children, the Health Insurance has set up a prevention system that offers a free dental visit at the child's 6th birthday.

The first visit to the dentist: a decisive step

Regardless of the patient's age, the first visit to the dentist is mainly dedicated to an oral examination rather than to treatment.

At Dr. Agachi's office, the first appointment is mainly an opportunity to reassure your child and to better understand his or her hygiene and eating habits. Using questions and adapting our vocabulary to the child, we will explain all the possible steps. This allows us to proceed with an examination without rushing him.

During this first session, we assess the risks associated with his eating habits and examine the growth of his baby teeth and jaw. Even if they are only temporary, baby teeth play a decisive role in the proper formation of future permanent teeth, so it is imperative to monitor them regularly.

If needed, we will perform an x-ray or an orthodontic examination. However, except in emergencies, we prefer not to perform oral procedures at the first appointment. This can be perceived as a negative and traumatic experience by your child.

At the end of this first visit to the dentist, we will give you personalized advice based on your child's age, habits and teeth. We will also answer any questions you or your child may have.

If your child is old enough to make his or her first visit to the dentist and you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us. Specializing in pediatric dentistry, Dr. Agachi's office is located in Paris. Call us or make an appointment directly online.

Frequently asked questions about the age of the first dental visit

At what age should my child have his/her first consultation?

Children should see a dentist as early as their first year. Choose a practitioner who has experience seeing and treating children, such as a pedodontist. The first visit should be perceived as a pleasant experience for your child, otherwise he or she will dread future visits to the dentist.
Discover the key steps.

What is the purpose of my child's first visit to the dentist?

During the first visit, the pedodontist will analyze your child's mouth to make sure there are no cavities. The dentist will also ask you about your child's oral hygiene and eating habits. Find out what happens during this visit.

All about this blog

Pediatric dentistry is all about working together for the well-being of your children!


Do you have a question? Dr. Adriana Agachi is at your disposal!

+33 (0)1 84 17 77 47

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