Free dental visit at age 6
Your baby's first dental appointment comes early, around age 2. This visit is essentially a visit to familiarize baby with the new environment. However, after a certain age, visits should be more regular. This is why the Health Insurance has set up a prevention plan for the health of your baby.
Everything you need to know about your baby's first dental appointment
Children's oral health is essential. To take care of your baby's teeth and to avoid a phobia of the dentist, it is essential to reassure him so that his first consultation goes well. Find out in this article when to make this first appointment and how this visit is done. When to make the first appointment [...]
Everything you need to know about visiting a child's dentist
As with adults, the best way for a child to have beautiful teeth is to go to the dentist. Baby's first dental appointment is not always an easy event to prepare for. We explain everything about visiting the dentist for a child, the different ways to reassure him and [...]
What is the right age for a child's or baby's first visit to the dentist?
Do you remember your first dental appointment? If not, it makes sense. This appointment usually takes place at a very young age. With your baby's first teeth coming in, you're probably wondering at what age your baby should make his or her first visit to the dentist. Here are some explanations. First visit to the dentist [...]