🏝 🐠 Have a great summer vacation! 🏝 🐠

The office is closed between July 26 and August 23 included. Until we see you again in the fall, we wish you a wonderful sunny vacation!

The office is closed for the end of year vacations between December 18th and January 6th included.

Treatment of milk tooth decay

The practices of our firm

Avulsion of a tooth

A lactate tooth can be removed if it is too decayed and cannot be saved, despite our conservative techniques.

To perform a dental avulsion, an electronic intraosseous anesthesia is always performed. The advantage of this type of anesthesia is that it does not put the lips and cheeks to sleep, so your child does not risk biting himself. Your child can return to his or her activities without fear immediately after the procedure.

In order for the avulsion to be painless, we can also offer your child conscious sedation with MEOPA gas, which relaxes without putting him to sleep.

With the laser, the children's dentist can bio-stimulate the socket following extraction. This reduces pain and accelerates healing.

All procedures are done in a gentle manner, so that most children do not even realize that the pedodontist has removed a tooth. 

Following the intervention, the children leave happy and serene, with their tooth in a box so that they can slip it under their pillow that evening for the tooth fairy.

Written recommendations are given to you and Dr. Agachi remains at your disposal by e-mail or telephone following this extraction.

Tooth extraction

moving baby tooth very deep caries dental trauma

What should I do if I have a cavity in a baby tooth?

At the first sign of a cariesIt is advisable to consult a pedodontist as soon as possible. Indeed, the earlier a cavity is treated, the less it will dig into the tooth.

Monitor your child's teeth regularly, and make it a habit to see a pediatric dentist at an early age.

Good oral hygiene habits can also help prevent cavities in your child's baby teeth.