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Orthodontic reimbursement for your child

All about your child's orthodontic reimbursement

Orthodontics is a treatment that aims to correct dental anomalies. Children as young as 4-5 years old can undergo orthodontic treatment to correct the position of their teeth or jaw.

The price of orthodontic treatment is approximately 800 to 1,500 € per semester. There are reimbursements for orthodontics in children.

L'Orthodontics for children has many specificities that you can discover in our dedicated article.

What is the reimbursement for children's orthodontics?

Orthodontics can be expensive, find out at What to expect if your child needs orthodontic treatment. You should know that this treatment is covered by the Health Insurance, but in order to benefit from it, the orthodontic treatment must start before your child's sixteenth birthday.

In this case, and after prior agreement with the health insurance, the latter may reimburse part of the care.

Health insurance may cover:

  • Treatment per semester, up to a maximum of 6 semesters,
  • Monitoring sessions,
  • The restraints of the 1re and 2nd year.

Depending on the age at which your child will start orthodontic treatment, we will talk aboutinterceptive orthodonticsand it is surely at this moment that a growth activator can be offered to your child.

Basis for reimbursement of orthodontics for children by the health insurance

Orthodontic treatments are covered and reimbursed at 70 % for procedures under 120 € and 100 % for procedures over 120 €.

This reimbursement is established on the basis of so-called "responsibility" rates, which are much lower than the actual cost of orthodontic treatment.

Dental consultations and care have regulated fees, while the fee for orthodontic treatment is free, each dentist sets his or her own price.

Thus, the health insurance reimburses the treatment per semester up to a maximum of 193.50 €. Monitoring sessions are reimbursed at 70 %, i.e. 7.53 €. Restraints are reimbursed at 100 % for the first year, i.e. 161.25 € and 70 % for the second year, i.e. 75.25 €.

In the end, health insurance reimbursement only takes into account 25 % to 30 % of the actual cost of orthodontic treatment.

Mutual insurance coverage for children's orthodontics

To complete the coverage of your child's orthodontics, it is advisable to use a good health insurance company.

Depending on your membership, your mutual insurance company may cover half of your costs, or even 100 % of your remaining expenses.

There are classic reimbursement packages that are based on the percentage of reimbursement from the health insurance.

Some mutual insurance companies offer a fixed amount of reimbursement per year.

Do insurance companies cover orthodontic costs?

Only the health insurance and mutual health insurance companies cover the cost of orthodontics.

You should know that orthodontic fees differ from one treatment to another, and if these treatments are started when your child is young, they will last less time. This is especially true for the different orthodontic interception treatments.

You may not know this, but the fact that your child is a mouth-breather in your daily life may be a situation that requires you to incur orthodontic costs.

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Pediatric dentistry is all about working together for the well-being of your children!


Do you have a question? Dr. Adriana Agachi is at your disposal!

+33 (0)1 84 17 77 47

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